Procedure Guidelines

  • AFRA is an arrangement geared to facilitate regional cooperation between its Member States with the aim to address development problems through the effective application of appropriate nuclear science and technology and to facilitate the sharing of resources and facilities available in the region (Full Agreement is shown under Annex 1);
  • Participation in AFRA is open to any African country, which is a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Participation by any State in the AFRA Programme is effected through its Government by notifying the Agency’s Director General of its acceptance of the AFRA Agreement. That participation continues until such time it is terminated in a written communication to the Agency’s Director General;
  • The current AFRA Agreement shall continue to be in force for a period of five years if the Parties so agree. This means that the AFRA Agreement has been conceived in five-year terms and, therefore, should be renewed every five year. The renewal of participation in the AFRA Agreement by an AFRA Member State is effected by an official letter from the Government of the Member State (signed by either the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Prime Minister or the Head of State) to the Director General of the IAEA. The letter should reach the IAEA before the 3 April of the fifth year of the five-year Term;
  • Each participating Government shall decide upon the internal organization that will best enable it to execute AFRA projects, to which end it shall designate a:
    • National Representative who shall represent the country at the Meeting of the AFRA Representatives;
    • National Coordinator; and
    • Project Coordinator for each project in which the country wishes to participate.
  • Each Government participating in a given project should include all interested national institutions in that project, particularly the end-users. To this end, Member States should establish committees or agreements relating to their participation in AFRA projects, which will include representatives from all relevant sectors;
  • It is not expected that AFRA countries participate in all projects. Each country should make a rational choice of the projects in which it wishes to participate; based on its own priorities, national development objectives and its assessment of the benefits it could derive from the project or the contribution it could provide thereto.


Each Government participating in a given project should include all interested national institutions in that project, particularly the end-users.

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International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Management of Projects

The approval of policies, projects and activities in relation to the programme is dealt with during the annual Meeting of the AFRA Representatives which is held in conjunction with the IAEA's General Conference.

Learn more about Management of Projects →


Annual Reports

Experience gained from the implementation of AFRA activities assisted AFRA countries to design and agree on a number of formats for reporting on the outcome of AFRA in each country and in each project.

Learn more about Annual Reports →


Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries


The National Nuclear Institutions (NNIs) in Africa were founded by Act, which mandate them to be responsible for specific matters concerning the peaceful use of nuclear technology as part of the overall objectives of the Atomic Energy Commissions or equivalent organizations.

Learn more about Sustainability →



Annex 1: The African Regional Cooperative Agreement for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology.

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